Saturday, November 17, 2012

Georgia on my mind...again

I've been here in New York for a little over a week now and I have to admit, I miss the south...or at least Georgia. I miss the luxury of having six Chickfila's all within a 10 mile radius. The nearest Chickfila here is 45 minutes away. Go ahead. Feel sorry for me. I do. Insert sad face. A seriously pouty, sad face. I've realized I somehow found comfort in someone saying "y'all" and "bless her heart", whether sarcastically or sincerely. How people in the south are unaware that there is a 'g' at the end of most of their words. (Goin', lovin', hatin'..) And as much as it hurts to admit, I do miss seeing little girls wearing bows bigger than their heads. Seeing children dressed head to toe in their parents' favorite college football team. I just miss having sweet tea as an option and having Coke products being the center of attention in Walmart. Heck, I miss cashiers being in my business. "How's your day? Oh, honey did you know how much sugar is in this?".  So. Much. Adjusting. But don't worry y'all, I WILL BE A SOUTHERN GIRL in a Yankee world.

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